Locations and Mailing Addresses
Phone banking: (405) 222-2288
Call the bank: (405) 224-2200
Toll-Free: (888) 841-2265
Call Center Hours:
Monday – Friday 7 AM to 6 PM, Saturday 8 AM to 12 PM
Lost or Stolen Check Cards:
If your card is lost or stolen, simply call the bank at the numbers above. The card replacement fee is $7.50. If your card is lost or stolen after business hours, you may call our card provider’s emergency number at (800) 500-1044, but this won’t expedite the delivery of your replacement card. The card replacement fee, whether you call the bank or the 800 number, is $7.50.
Online Bill Payment Customer Support:
Monday – Friday 8 AM to 5 PM (Stop Payments and copies of canceled checks may incur a fee)