Calf’s Ear by Will Osborn 2021

Highways have replaced the Chisholm Trail as the most efficient means of delivery, but cattle operations remain vital to the Tuttle economy and to Grady County. Rancher Will Osborn also is a photographer who enjoys the art he sees in nature’s most simple and elegant scenes. In fact, he and his wife, Sarah Osborn, both enjoy photography as a hobby. Sarah is the more serious photographer, Will says. Sarah uses a traditional DSLR camera, but he simply uses a high-end iPhone. Together they create memorable art from the work they do on the land. This image was captured on the Osborn “home base” farm near Tuttle.

The Tuttle Then and Now gallery displayed at the First National Bank & Trust Co. in Tuttle was designed to commemorate the people and places that make Tuttle unique. FNBT has been an independent community bank serving central and southwest Oklahoma since 1892.