Loan Types

Mortgage loan types with The First National Bank and Trust Co. lending

Conventional “Local Home Loan” Fixed Rate

  • Fixed Rate loan that allows you to keep your mortgage local. That means you can visit local people in local FNBT banks to originate the loan, make payments, inquire about payoffs, or celebrate the day you accomplish the payoff. All of it, is local. Primary Residence and Second Home property financing are available. Purchase, rate/term, and cash-out options are available.

Conventional Fixed Rate Loans

  • The traditional fixed-rate mortgage includes monthly principal and interest payments which never change during the loan’s lifetime. – Primary Residence, Second Home and Investment property financing are available. Purchase, rate/term, and cash-out options are available.

USDA Rural Development Guaranteed Fixed Rate Loan

  • Property must be in a designated USDA rural area and the borrower must meet income restrictions. 1-unit, primary residences only.

VA Loans

  • VA loans are mortgages guaranteed by the Department of Veteran Affairs. Financing is available for Veterans meeting service requirements according to the Veterans Administration and an unmarried surviving spouse meeting requirements as listed in VA Lender’s Handbook. Primary Residences only for Purchase Transactions. VA funding fee is required.

FHA Loans

  • FHA home loans are mortgages that are insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), allowing borrowers to get low mortgage rates with a minimal down payment.


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